5 Tips for Snacking

I use to be a big snacker. Some days I would  eat snacks (the bad ones) and skip a meal, which of course wasn’t healthy at all. It is good to snack in between meals only if you are getting nutrients you need that you may not get in your actual meal. This also can keep your metabolism up and maintain a steady glucose level, but portion size and what you eat is important. 


1. Try not to eat out of a bag and put your portions in a bowl or small plate. This will eliminate over eating because without portions, you’re not aware of how much you actually consume and this can lead to excess calorie intake.

2. Stay away from junk food! This is my #1. Cut out all candy, chips, pastries etc. all of which are empty calories meaning they have zero nutrient significance to your health. Try freezing purple grapes to eat instead. These are higher in antioxidants than in green grapes which are important for overall health. It’s delicious!

3. I recommend not eating fruit yogurt cups. Yogurt is good for you and has many health benefits even some for weight loss, but they are also full of sugar. Instead, go for plain geek yogurt which is a great source of protein and add some fresh strawberries for sweetness. 

4. Trail Mix is a good subtitute, however you must be careful not to get those that have candy in it and also eat in moderation. Nuts such almonds and walnuts will add protein and the healthy unsaturated fats you need to your diet.

5. Avoid the 100 calorie packs of cookies, brownies and everything else they come in. Although these are low in calories, we tend to eat more of them forgetting that they are still cookies, resulting in excess calorie consumption.  Instead, try eating roasted pumpkin seeds they will keep you full longer. Watermelon and cantaloupe are also good because they are mostly water but great tasting.

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